Sunday, January 23, 2005

Why does everything have to be so complicated?

And I'm not talking like Avril Lavine complicated (altho, even tho she's like 12 and thinks she's compelling because she writes in her journal with a black eyeliner, her songs have valid points about how everyone is an @$$hole). I'm talking about the fact that while I'm a college grad and am very computer literate, I cannot figure out how to post a picture on this damn thing. Yes, I've downloaded the Hello software. But that's about where it stops. I've already sent an email to the "help" people, so we'll see where that gets us...and i don't want a million posted comments like "you're a retard, here's how you do it...". I'm a big girl...I'll figure it out. But what the hell ever happened to a simple "browse" and "upload" option?? Well, I is a material world, and I am a material girl. Guess I gotta get used to it. As I hope to start posting more soon, I'm more than well aware of the fact that life is indeed complicated, and the older I get, the more I see validity in the medication nation. Onward...


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